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Change your beliefs, and you will change your reality. All your troubles will be solved. “We have all heard this before.” But there is now a much easier way!

How about you create and manage your very own Secretive Self, without confusion, stress, or frustration?

(Gaining Self-Confidence, Personal Profit, Relationships, Personal Integrity)

You can now do that with your very own, newly self-created Secretive Self, which you can only get with my “Secretive Self System!”

(They will never see you coming.)

It seems like the only answer that we’ve gotten from everyone over the last 20 years is how to change your beliefs, and you can change your reality. Have you ever heard of this? I'm sure you have read about this in every book, seen it on social media, or experienced it in every course you’ve ever taken, telling you this is the answer to getting the transformations that you are looking for in your life.

We bought it for a long time. However, as we continue to move forward, we realize that this way is time-draining, financially unrewarding, and leaves us in a slump. As we continue to struggle, trying to get out of this slump like a car stuck in the mud.

What we really need to do is bypass our “limiting beliefs” and build our “Secretive Self” to gain immediate Transformation. My new Secretive Self System is one of the best ways to do so.

How is this different from everything else I have seen?

The entire Secretive Self System has been Trademarked ™ and Copyrighted © to protect it and you.

The (Creation) and (Management) of your own Secretive Self along with the (Belief Bypass System), will show you how it is all done.

I think it is a very important thing for you to realize that a course is really nothing more than nuggets of knowledge. That means if you do this, then maybe this will happen to you. You try it, see how it works, and hope for results.

(However, the Secretive Self System gives you the exact steps that you need to become successful, to make something happen and all you must do is follow it.)

No longer will you need to drain your time, money, or energy trying to improve your profits, relationships, personal life, or business. Instead, you can bypass your limiting beliefs, engage fully, and feel as though you’re in the driver’s seat, being chauffeured toward your goals and desires.

The Secretive Self you create and manage will work like uploading software that will bypass your limiting beliefs. No more Self-Interference Patterns will hold you back in your journey to achieve your goals.

What’s in it for me?

How about the (Creation), (Management) and (Transformation) into your very own Secretive Self. One that will help you achieve everything you desire. With the (Belief Bypass System), you’ll reach your desired results quickly and effectively.

You’ve likely tried the typical methods that promised results if you just follow their formula, but they didn’t work. The Secretive Self System will work, and you’ll make the incredible gains you’ve always wanted in your life.

Let’s be honest, there’s no denying it, it’s human nature to want to know, “What’s in it for me?” I call this the WIIFM station. While we enjoy helping others and it feels good to do so, it’s important to remember that you must first help yourself, so you can then help others more effectively.

The best part of all of this is for you to realize that your failures of the past is not going to stop you in the future if you have the right information and knowledge to create what you desire.

You, like many of us, have been sold a false promise—dedicated work with no guarantee of success or a clear timeframe. The Secretive Self System eliminates that uncertainty.

How do I know this is real?

It’s natural to be skeptical when something sounds too good to be true. And in many cases, that skepticism helps protect us from falling for false promises. But sometimes, it also prevents us from discovering the truth when it’s right in front of us.

However, I’m not asking you to believe blindly in this system. I’ve got plenty of proof to back it up—and I’m excited to share it with you firsthand. There are testimonials and real success stories on our webpage.

Look at Tanner Ericsson, he was once a former student, and now he’s a Master Director of the Secretive Self-System.

Psychology Today, a renowned magazine that has been published every two months since 1967, is a subscription I’ve held for many years. It is full of fascinating articles written by Certified Board Psychologists and Psychiatrists. Many times, it highlights the value of creating alter egos and how they can benefit you.

The challenge with using an alter ego is that from the start, the mission to be accomplished must be crystal clear, and too often it is not. You also may feel like you don’t have full control over the outcome, creating a sense of separation.

Google says: "Entity: A thing with distinct and independent existence." A mission needs to be well-defined, with clear goals and expectations, or else progress and transformation will be stalled. However, all the characteristics that you need to formulate is not clearly laid out using an alter ego. You will not have that problem with the Secretive Self System because there is an exercise that you will do that will make all the characteristics that are needed open to you.

The Secretive Self System bypasses all these issues. It brings everything together in a format that the brain can easily understand, providing a clear step-by-step process for achieving your goals.

The chart below shows the process you’ll use to help your Secretive Self. The Mind is the first tool you’ll use to inform the Brain of exactly what needs to be done. The Brain, as the processing unit, requires that information to perform its role effectively.

The Emotional Aspect allows you to feel whatever emotions you desire, without letting those feelings hinder your progress. You’ll be able to experience all the emotions you want while still staying on track and doing what needs to be done.

The Physical Aspect empowers you to move forward in any way you choose, enabling you to take the necessary actions. This will lead you directly into your Secretive Self, doing what needs to be done, following the step-by-step process outlined in the system.






You will feel completely at ease with your Secretive Self because it accepts you, and you accept it. The process of making your Secretive Self possible is simple and achievable.

This resource is readily available to you 24/7 via Google. Psychology Today has published many articles over the years discussing how beneficial an alter ego can be for achieving results. However, they don’t provide step-by-step instructions on how to create one.

Consider the actors, wrestlers, singers, and other public figures who have developed personas based on fictional names and characters. These personas do the work for them, and the media helps shape and promote these identities.

It’s easy to see how these public figures use alter egos with media support to shape their success. However, they lack the insider knowledge necessary to truly create, transform, and manage their own Secretive Self to achieve a lasting personal success.

I've gone deeper with my own Secretive Self. In my experience, other people who have created their own alter egos have fallen short because they don’t offer the comprehensive understanding and methodology that I’ve developed over forty-three years with The Secretive Self System. Through my own direct experience, as well as my work with clients, I’ve uncovered the most effective techniques for creating and managing a Secretive Self.

Though others have provided support and assessments, I bring you the “HOW” behind the process. I’ll show you how to bypass your Self-Limiting Beliefs and eliminate Self-Interference Patterns, guiding you step-by-step toward the success you desire.

The Secretive Self is not just a tool for achieving goals; it is designed with a clear mission in mind, knowing exactly what needs to be done to accomplish it. It works with you to help you overcome your limiting beliefs, so you no longer need to struggle with ignoring them.

I’ve also included some stories of my personal students who have successfully used the “Secretive Self System” to build their own Secretive Self. They’ve bypassed their limiting beliefs and Self-Interference Patterns, issues that were previously difficult or impossible to change, often taking too long and costing too much without delivering true transformation.

Hello, my name is Brady, and this is one example of how the Secretive Self System has worked for me.

In 2019 I had my first stroke. It was miserable to say the very least. My doctors told me that more than likely I would have another stroke within six months, being that is the format for how strokes work. I ended up having a second stroke in February of 2020. After my second stroke, just like with the first one, I got really depressed. I also found out that because I have type 2 diabetes, I also have now been diagnosed with CKD 4 (chronic kidney disease/ stage 4).

This is my Kidney, Dialysis, Hypertension Specialist: Dr. Luana Pillon MD – Nephrologist Kidneylv.org

She has helped me since day one. She also advised me to perhaps get a Dietician to help with my meal prep for if I didn’t do something about it quickly, I was surely heading right for Dialysis, and we wanted to prevent this at all cost. I was told by my doctors that I needed to lose 100 lbs. to help my overall health and my kidney’s. My loved ones did extensive research and finally found a Renal Dietician.

This is my Renal Dietitian: Michele Crosmer RD, CRS Plantbasedkidneys.com

She has taught us a lot about the disease and how to go about it without making it worse for myself. Her knowledge has been a blessing to me and continues to be. I did not know what to do or even how to go about doing it, or even how to get started. I was pretty much just living my life day to day, not knowing if I was ever going to heal from this, or if this was it for me. This was also followed by the Covid Pandemic shortly after. Thank goodness my loved ones kept me safe from it. But my struggles became very real and continued for about a year. I was still struggling to walk. It took every bit of energy I had to just get to the bathroom and to shower, only to end up back in bed. Laying down was all I really did for a very long time. It was very hard for me to walk. I got out of breath very easily.


I needed to start some type of cardiovascular training because I was in terrible shape. I incorporated a plant-based diet and have been on it now for 18 months now. I can walk a little better, but not long distance. I do walk by myself with no walker or assistance to help me. I began by doing 3 minutes on my recumbent bike. I then slowly started to incorporate weight training 7 days a week. As time progressed, I was able to go longer on my recumbent bike and I was having longer workouts. This was leading to some weight loss which made me very happy.

I finally felt like I was going in the right direction, because of my Secretive Self. I was finally starting to see the light and the end of my tunnel. Then on the morning of December 2023, I had an unexpected accident. While preparing to go for my morning bike ride on my outdoor trike (Black Mamba) as I like to call it, I lost control going down my driveway. The velocity I picked up on the way down caused my bike to tip over with me still on it. It threw me off and I landed next to my daughters’ car onto what seemed like my right shoulder.

When I hit the pavement, it took me a minute to realize what had just happened. I recall hitting my head and neck up against the car when I landed. That most certainly was not good for me. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where I ended up needing to have surgery for I had spiralized my humerus in 3 spots. (All the doctors and nurses during what ended up being a 9 day stay, joked with me calling me an over achiever, I couldn’t just break it in one area I had to break it in three.)

Not a fun experience, for this would be my first time having surgery in my entire life. Surgery went well, but the recovery process was brutal. It caused many debilitating movements with my body. I found myself once again in a state of not knowing, but quickly remembered about my Secretive Self and how I was accomplishing things prior to this accident.

It was a day-to-day journey, but I slowly started recuperating from it. It was clear to me that I needed to once again create my Secretive Self. Because it was the only way that I could see out of this mess for me.

I created and managed my Secretive Self, and needless to say my doctors are amazed by my results. With my Secretive Self, I have now lost 80 lbs. by exercising every day, sticking to a plant-based diet, and working 8 hours a day, all while keeping my mind focused on what I need to do. I have used The Secretive Self System for the past 40 years, and it has never failed me.

“Now, I’ve decided it’s time to make The Secretive Self System available to anyone who wants to experience a life transformation of their own.”

Who/What is to blame?

What has really been holding you back each time you’ve tried to change your beliefs, change your reality, and achieve your goals? The truth is, you’ve been given misinformation. I too went through the same struggle, believing that I had to change my beliefs, in order for my reality to change.

But one night, while driving on a long trip from Texas back to Las Vegas, it hit me. The reason (WE), me included, are demotivated, is that we can’t reach our goals fast enough or with a sense of congruence.

We try to change our beliefs, but it takes too long and costs too much money in many situations. Then, I had the strangest thought. It was as if a doctor appeared in my mind and said, “Instead of operating directly on the heart, bypass it.” And that’s when it all clicked.

I started working on it a little harder, doing more research, and putting in a lot of effort. After much thought and reflection, I finally concluded, "Forget about trying to change our beliefs, let’s bypass them and create a better vehicle for shaping our realities the way we want them to be, while getting it done within an extremely reasonable timeframe!

I was so excited! I can confidently say that it’s been perfected over the last 20 years, and it has been working just fine for me and everyone else who has used my system.

To be perfectly clear, the Secretive Self System provides you with the (Belief Bypass System). It eliminates the old limiting beliefs you have, allowing you to create the empowering beliefs with the new entity you need to make the changes you want to see and feel in your life. 

If you were anything like me, you were probably putting yourself down and feeling insecure about your actions and what you were doing. Yet, we followed the self-help movement, doing things without questioning them.

We were essentially following misinformation, and those spreading it were (and are) making a ton of money by doing so.

It’s understandable because it is part of a movement, something people think they should follow to fix their problems and move forward in life. But the real issue, as I’ve mentioned before, isn’t that you need to spend time or money on changing your beliefs.

What you need to do is bypass them and have a better system in place that gets you to your goals much faster, with a sense of urgency that works for you. So, remember, it’s not your fault; it was the misinformation you were following.

With the Secretive Self System, I’ll eliminate that misinformation and guide you into the “Belief Bypass System,” empowering your own Secretive Self. The Secretive Self System will lead you to the transformation you’ve been looking for, the one you’ve been striving for, and trying to achieve repeatedly.

Why now?

The most honest reason I can give you, from the heart, about why you should take advantage of this opportunity is this: You can continue doing the same thing and continue getting the same results. Or you can take action, fight the inertia you might feel, and do something liberating for yourself right now!

In fact, I will be raising the price of the Secretive Self System on August 1, 2025. I’m offering it at the current rate until then to raise awareness and provide an incredibly reasonable opportunity for people to get started on the formula and begin creating their goals and desires.

However, once that date arrives, the price will increase. I know that as more people experience how well the Secretive Self System works, word will spread, and demand will soar. The true value of the Secretive Self System will be revealed.

Why should I trust you?

I was just like you. I took countless courses and read many books about how to change my limiting belief so I could reach my goals and stop the Self-Interference Patterns that held me back in my daily efforts to achieve them...

I must have spent seven to nine years trying to change my beliefs so that I could change my reality. I did make some gain; this was true. However, in complete honesty, it was always a constant fight trying to reach my goals.

This was because I had to constantly monitor my limiting beliefs and assess how they were affecting me. When things weren’t going right, I had to refocus on changing those beliefs and work on them again.

I did receive some benefits and results from doing that, but it was very tiresome, and it didn’t work consistently. I was only achieving about 20% to 30% of my goals, and even then, most of them were not completed on time; however, I did eventually achieve them.

For many years, I wondered if there was a better way. Why was everyone looking at this problem from such a one-sided perspective, agreeing with each other? Was it simply a doctrine—a belief that had been repeated by so many that it became accepted as truth?

As I mentioned earlier, during one of my car rides from Texas to Las Vegas, the thought suddenly popped into my mind: "Instead of doing open-heart surgery, why not just bypass the issue and connect the blood supply directly to the vein that needs it?"

That was a pivotal moment for me. Although I’m not a medical professional, the idea came to me clearly. So, I did exactly that. I began researching, reading books, combing through Google, and discussing the idea with Self-Development experts, including five different Psychologists, to get their perspectives.

Since I was sixteen, I had experimented with alter egos and had some success. However, when I started applying the concept of the Secretive Self System to bypass my own and my clients’ limiting beliefs, and to create the Secretive Self specifically for the mission at hand, everything started to become clear.

Once you bypass your limiting beliefs, you’re essentially downloading your desires, goals, and the transformations you want directly into your own Secretive Self. The Secretive Self System is designed specifically to create what you want to happen. In this dynamic, your Secretive Self becomes the pilot, and you, the co-pilot, are along for the ride.

How can I get started?

It’s simple. Just fill out the question page and watch the Free Masterclass provided at the bottom of this page. Afterward, schedule your Breakthrough Secretive Self call.

There is no charge for the call. I will call you at the scheduled time and let you know if I can provide a victory for you.

I will listen to your situation and concerns, answer all your unique questions, and provide you with information about how the Secretive Self System will work for you and what you can expect.

What do I have to lose?

I have already explained how we can get the results you're looking for with the (Belief Bypass System) by creating your own unique Secretive Self that will lead you to success.

You've seen Tanner on my website. He used to be a student and is now working with the Secretive Self System as a Master Director. You've also read the testimonials from my other clients, showing how it has changed their lives and helped them achieve their wins.

You have nothing to lose, because all you’re committing to is a pleasant, no-pressure consultation with me to see if we’re a good fit. Believe me when I say I don’t like sales calls— I’m not here to talk anyone into something they don’t want. You’ll make the decision on whether this is right for you, and it’s as simple as that.

The way I see it is this: You can keep doing the same things and expecting different results, or you can make a Free Call and get the breakthrough you've been seeking. If we connect well during our conversation, and you are a good fit for our system, I will tell you and then give you your choice and that’s all there is to it.


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